Now that you have completed the Beach Front Homes quest (which I will come back to) it's time to get down to some serious infrastructure.
You get 3 days to complete this Challenge and the first 80% is very easy and quick (I'm under the impression all your time is going to be spent building the bridge, which I estimate to take 24 hours.)
You will need to get a tea pot ($500) a telephone (which you should already have from a previous Quest, I recommend the expensive one), a computer (which you should already have) (I use the $1,500 2 star model) and a World Globe ($10,000)- yep $10,000! You need to start saving now.
*You will watch the news (4 minutes) call the construction company (about 10 minutes) watch a special on T.V. (about 15 minutes) call the construction company back, mail a letter (4 seconds), call the construction company again (15-ish minutes), use the computer (about 8.5 minutes) then make some croissants (18 hours), which is as far as I have gotten today.
*I may have the order a little out of place, but overall the first 80% should take only about an hour.
Happy building!
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