Sunday, 24 August 2014

Long Hair Fashion Quest

You need to continue designing outfits to complete each level of the quest. 

Note: to reset the collection you need to go on through the hobby's collection screen and at the very bottom will be the option to restart it. Just like any of the other hobbies. The only difference is that you have to go BACK in AFTER you've completed it, because it won't restart until it has rewarded you and told you to advance. Also, I was able to complete this in 3 days by having 10 Sims do it all in one location and doing the 10 minute option up to 6 times an hour. And I made sure they were doing it for 6 hours at night. The 12 hour option might look tempting but you lose time because it take twice as long and even if you're gone for 9 hours you'll have to wait three hours to continue or you can just have them not doing something for three hours, but be able to pick righ back up again when you get back. 

I also have all the amenities at hand to keep them Inspired. 

A nice little sweat shop going on. 

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